Creating a Webhook

Setup a webhook to receive real-time notifications from Notifyre via your third party application/s.

To create a webhook, you will first need to create a Notifyre account ➡️ Sign Up

  • Login to the Notifyre Dashboard
  • Select "Settings"
  • Select "Developer"
  • Select "Webhooks"
  • Click on
  • URL:  enter a secure HTTPS URL of where you wish the event to be sent to.
  • Events: select the events you want to be sent to the webhook endpoint. You can select an individual event or multiple events including SMS Sent, SMS Received, Fax Sent and Fax Received. 

  • Click "Save".

Further information about creating and setting up webhooks can be viewed in Notifyre's API documentation. 

Header Descriptions

URL - Displays the secure HTTPS URL where the event is being sent to.

Events - lists the events that are being sent to the URL.

Signing Secret - a unique alphanumeric code generated for each endpoint that can be used to verify events to ensure that they are being sent from Notifyre and not a malicious third party.

Created - Displays the date the webhook was created.

Updated - Displays the date the webhook was updated, if it was updated.