Automate your responses with Zapier

Zapier easily connects over 4,000 apps and services together to setup automated workflows (called Zapsto trigger actions between one tool and another, making work easier than ever for businesses around the world. Connect Notifyre with popular apps used by organisations across the world everyday including HubSpot, Slack, Xero, Salesforce and more to integrate sending & receiving SMS simple into powerful workflows.

By integrating with Zapier, you’ll be able to connect Notifyre’s SMS service to your existing apps to:

  • Trigger SMS messages to be sent automatically once an action has been completed in your chosen app, or
  • Trigger an action to be completed in your chosen app once an SMS message has been received.

Note: Some Zapier accounts have polling limitations that might affect the timing of triggered actions. Please refer to Zapier's plans & pricing for more information.

Connect Notifyre to over 4,000+ apps


How it works

To get started with the Notifyre Zapier integration, you’ll need to:

  1. Create a Notifyre account and top-up your funds. You’ll need to have funds available in your Notifyre account when sending SMS, no matter which app you connect Notifyre to.
  2. Create a free Zapier account. You’ll have access to 5 Zaps for free so you can start sending & receiving SMS via the Notifyre Zapier integration straight away.
  3. Create your automated workflow (Zap) within Zapier. Follow the steps to connect Notifyre’s SMS tools with your chosen app, turn on the Zap and you’re good to go.  You can find the basics on how to create a Zap here: