How to cancel a receive fax or Virtual SMS Number plan
Notifyre users can easily cancel an active receive fax plan via the Notifyre dashboard.
Cancelling a number via subscription settings:
- Login to the Notifyre Dashboard
- Select “Settings” on the left navigation
- Select “Billing” from the dropdown menu
- Select the “Subscriptions” tab at the top of the screen
All subscription information is displayed here, including all active subscriptions, pending purchases, scheduled for cancellation and cancelled.
- Search for the active receive fax plan that you wish to cancel. This plan will be displayed as one of the following options, depending on your current subscription:
- Fax Receive Plan– Standard
- Fax Receive Plan – Plus
- Fax Receive Plan – Pro
- Fax Receive Plan - Premium
- Select the active number plan in Subscriptions. This plan will be displayed as Fax Number or Virtual Mobile Number
- Select the additional options menu button
next to the subscription you wish to cancel
- Click “Cancel Subscription”
- Select “Cancel Plan"
- Choose between "Cancel at the end of the billing period" or "Cancel Immediately"
Note: When cancelling a receive fax plan, the free fax number attached to your receive fax plan will be cancelled. You can continue to receive faxes via Notifyre for the remaining period of your paid monthly subscription by selecting "Cancel at the end of the billing period". Selecting "Cancel Immediately" will immediately cancel your receive fax plan and fax number.
Cancelling a Plan Via Plans:
- Login to the Notifyre Dashboard
- Select “Plans” on the left navigation
- Select Fax Number or SMS Number
- Select "Cancel Plan" on your current active plan
- Select “Cancel Plan”
- Select "Cancel at the end of the billing period" or "Dont Cancel"
Note: Pay-as-you-go fax and SMS can only be cancelled by deactivating your Notifyre account.
Note: If you have ported a fax number to Notifyre or purchased a fax number separately, Notifyre can host the number/s on the dashboard however, without an active receive plan, you will no longer receive faxes to the number/s and hosting fees will apply.