Easily track and manage all fax activity within your Notifyre account, including sent, received, and scheduled faxes.
Review fax broadcast campaign performance with real-time tracking reports and simply view and download faxes received. Follow these steps to access, view, and manage fax documents.
Received Fax Activity
From your Notifyre account you can download faxes that you have received. See below for how to access and download fax documents.
- Login to the Notifyre Dashboard
- Select "Activity" on the left navigation
- Select "Received" from the dropdown menu
- Select "Fax" from the "Type" field
- To view the fax document for the received fax , select
and "Download" or "Mark as Read"
- Use the "Read Status" filter to view read or unread faxes
Receive faxes that have not been downloaded appear in bold font. Once a fax has been downloaded it will be marked as Read. To mark the fax as unread use the and select "Mark as Unread".
Note: If Account has Setting → Fax Settings → Auto Delete Fax Received Documents → Fax Documents will not appear in your Activity. You will not be able to read or download fax documents.
Sent Fax Activity
Track the status of sent faxes in the Notifyre Dashboard. For each sent fax, you’ll receive a fax delivery status email if notifications are enabled.
Toggle between the types of faxes send using "All", "Campaigns" and Individual"
- Login to the Notifyre Dashboard
- Select “Activity” on the left navigation
- Select “Send” from the dropdown menu
- Select “Fax” from the "Type" field
- Use the filters to choose between a date range or a specific date, filter by To or From number or the fax status
- Select
to "Preview, Download, Print or Resend" the fax document. Resend is only available on individual fax sends. You will not be able to resend a fax broadcast.
- If you resend a fax you will see the successful sent notification in the left bottom corner
Note: If Account has Setting → Fax Settings → Auto Delete Fax Send Documents → Fax Documents will not appear in your Activity. You will not be able Preview, Download, Print or Resend documents.
Fax Broadcast Campaign Activity
View all your fax broadcast campaigns, see which ones are currently in progress and which have been completed. Click "View Report" to get a live update on in progress campaigns or review details after the campaign has finished sending.
For fax campaigns, the report displays the status of each fax as:
- Preparing – Fax documents are being prepared for sending
- In Progress – Fax is being sent
- Failed – Fax failed to send – you can drill down into the reason for failure
Successful - Fax was delivered to the fax number
Fax Campaign Report
The Fax Broadcast Report in your Notifyre account provides a comprehensive overview of each fax campaign’s performance. Access key metrics, including a visual breakdown of fax statuses and total charges.
How to view failed fax reasons in the Fax Campaign Report
1. Navigate to the report where faxes have failed to send.
2. Click on the arrow next to the number of failed faxes.
3. View the reasons for each failure.
4. Alternatively, hover over the information icon next to the failed status in the table
Exporting Fax Activity
You can export data from the Individual Send Dashboard, Campaign Reports and Fax Receive Dashboard making it simple to access and use your information wherever and however you need.
How to Export Fax Data
- Login to the Notifyre Dashboard
- Select “Activity” on the left navigation
- Select “Receive” from the dropdown menu
- Select the “Individual or Campaigns” tab from the top of the screen
- Select "Fax" from the type list
- Choose the campaign or individual send report you want to export.
- Click the "Export" button at the top the report. You will be emailed a link to access this report.
- Click the link in the email to download the .cvs file. This link will expire one hour after this email is received.

Scheduled Fax Activity
You can view and cancel scheduled fax sends via your Notifyre account.
- Login to the Notifyre Dashboard
- Select “Activity” on the left navigation
- Select “Scheduled” from the dropdown menu
- Select “Fax” from the "Type" field
- To cancel a scheduled fax click the 3 dots and click "Cancel"
Activity Table Headings
From – The From Number/CLID selected when a fax is sent via Fax or email.
To – The destination fax number or total number of fax recipients if a campaign.
Reference/Campaign Name/ID – Used as an internal reference when a fax is sent via Fax or email.
Date – Timestamp data of the date and time of a fax sent, received or scheduled.
Status – The final delivery confirmation when a fax is sent successful or fails and the reason for failure, otherwise known as a Status Code.
Recipients (Total) - The total number of recipients the fax is scheduled to be sent to.