How to buy a 10DLC number

To send or receive text messages in the United States using a 10-digit long code number (10DLC number), businesses must first register their Brand and Campaign using an approved TCR™ provider, like Notifyre. 

Once your organization's Brand and Campaign are approved, you can proceed to order or port 10DLC numbers with Notifyre. 

To purchase new 10DLC number: 

1. Login to your Notifyre account

2. Select Settings > Numbers > from the top tab, select > Virtual SMS Numbers

3. Click 'Add New'

4. Select "United States of America" in the country dropdown

5. Choose a Campaign to be linked to the numbers. If you do not have a campaign, see how to register a 10DLC campaign

6. Enter City 

7. Select State

8. Click Search 

9. Select number(s). Tick the box to select the numbers you want to purchase. 

If a suitable number does not appear, click 'Search' to refresh the list of numbers. 

10. Click 'Add to Cart' (you can add as many numbers as you need to your cart) and then click 'Check Out'

11. Complete purchase. 

Number activation will take 1-2 days to process. An email will be sent when your number is ready to use. 

How to link a number to a 10DLC campaign

(For existing users who purchased numbers before mandatory Campaign registration requirements)

1. Login to Notifyre

2. Select on Settings > 10DLC 

3. From the top tab, select > Campaigns

4. Click on the 3 dots next to the Campaign and click Assign Number

5. Select the number that you want to link to the Campaign. 

Once the number is linked you can start sending SMS or receiving with Notifyre.

🔎 Explore more on 10DLC Registration with Notifyre.