1. Help Center
  2. SMS
  3. 10DLC Campaign Registration

How to buy a 10DLC number

It is recommended you have a verified Brand and approved Campaigns registered with the Campaign Registry. to send SMS with 10DLC numbers in the United States,

Note: You are able to buy a 10DLC without an approved Campaign in your Notifyre account, However, you may experience lower deliverability rates.

Follow the below steps to buy a 10DLC number.

1. Login to Notifyre

2. Click on Settings -> Numbers

3. Select Virtual SMS Numbers

4. Select "United States of America" in the country dropdown

6. Enter City 

7. Select State

8. Click Search 

9. Select number

If a suitable number does not appear, click 'Search' to refresh the list of numbers. 

10. Click Add to cart 

11. Proceed through checkout