1. Help Center
  2. SMS
  3. 10DLC Campaign Registration

How to register your Brand

To send SMS with 10DLC numbers in the United States you must have a verified Brand and approved Campaigns registered with The Campaign Registry. You must register your details with Notifyre to send 10DLC messages. If you have previously registered a Brand with another SMS provider, you will need to re-register by following the below process. 
  1. Login to Notifyre 
  2. Click on Settings - > Click on Campaigns
  3. Select Brand page 
  4. Click on Register Brand  
  5. Fill out the Brand Registration Form (If you have multiple brands you will need to fill out the form for each brand) 
    See How to complete the Brand registration form 
  6. Pay for Brand Registration (Brand registration fee is a one-time fee)

Upon payment, your details will be sent to The Campaign Registry to begin the Brand verification process.  Brand verification processing time varies from 30 minutes to 3 business days. You will receive email confirmation once your Brand has been verified.