SMS Status Codes

A list of status codes that Notifyre displays in real-time during SMS transmission.

SMS status codes can be view in SMS Activity in your Notifyre account.

Status Code Description
In Progress

Your SMS is currently sending.

Successful - Sent Your message has been successfully sent to the recipient's mobile network. However, this does not always mean it was delivered to the recipient’s phone. Some messages may be blocked due to the following reasons:
  • It is enroute for delivery, the device may be turned off or not in a service area.

If sending within the United States:

Successful - Delivered Your message was successfully delivered to the recipient's mobile device.
Failed - Unsubscribed Contact

SMS sending failed as contact has unsubscribed.

Failed - Invalid Number SMS sending failed as contact number is invalid.
Failed - Undeliverable SMS sending failed as SMS was not able to be delivered.